Understanding the Basics of SEO

It has always been essential for businesses to utilize technology to gain the competitive advantage. Since the invention of the internet, millions of businesses worldwide have created their own websites to reach their audience. However, it is no longer enough to just have a website. To get your business’s website seen in search results, you need SEO.     

But what is SEO? SEO, or search engine optimization, is the process of increasing your website’s visibility for search engines and potential customers. There are four main components of an effective SEO strategy that drives traffic organically to your website.

1.      Technical Website Optimization

The first step of effective SEO is technical website optimization. For your website to be read by search engines like Google or Yahoo, i​t needs to be highly functional and performant as well as correctly developed and updated. Search engines place great importance on website speed and positive user experiences, so ensuring that your website pages load quickly and your content is easy to access will greatly benefit your SEO strategy.

2.      Keyword Research

Keyword research is a critical component of effective SEO. It is important to understand what your target audience is searching for, and the specific words they are currently using. Furthermore, a targeted keyword strategy will help you make decisions that will likely lead to higher search engine ranks. One way to find relevant keywords for your business is by researching competitors and looking for specific words they are using. If your competitors rank highly for certain keywords, then it may be necessary to find new, less competitive keywords and phrases for your website.  These criteria will help bolster your website’s search visibility. Furthermore, it is beneficial to update your site content regularly to maintain or improve your position in search engine results.

3.      Website Content Creation

Once you know your keywords and understand your competition, the next step of effective SEO is content creation. Crafting website content around your keywords is crucial for helping your website increase in rank among competitors, which also creates a positive experience for site users. When reviewing your content, it is important to make sure that it: 

            I.    Is relevant to what your business offers 

            II.   Is well-written, easy to understand, and sounds natural 

            III.  Contains other forms of media, like videos or images

Warning: Avoid Keyword Stuffing, which is overusing target keywords to appeal to search engines

These criteria will help bolster your website’s search visibility. Furthermore, it is beneficial to update your site content regularly to maintain or improve your position in search engine results.

4.      Backlink Development

Backlink development, while difficult, can be hugely beneficial for any business. It is important to acquire backlinks to not only increase your website’s credibility with search engines, but also to increase your brand’s exposure with potential clients. This can be done through a variety of methods, including press releases, reviews, podcasting, and forums. The more quality inbound links your website has, the more credible it is with search engines, which will then boost your rank among your competition. 

For your audience, backlinking will increase your brand’s umbrella of exposure with potential customers because your website will appear on other credible sites. When it comes to quality versus quantity, when it comes to backlinking, you want a high quantity of high-quality links. 

Warning: Never Purchase Backlinks. If your site gets caught by search engines, then your website could get blacklisted

While this is a guide to understanding the basics of SEO, it is an elaborate, ongoing process. Search engines and your business’s competition are bound to change, but hopefully this article will serve you well in understanding the underlying formula to doing SEO well.

However, if you don’t understand how to implement SEO into your business, then contact us to schedule a free consultation to see how we can help take your business to the next level with SEO.

 Schedule a Consultation with us Today! 

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